Supporting the ODU community, one concern at a time.
ODU students, faculty, and staff sometimes face stressors in their lives that negatively impact their behavior. Often, fellow colleagues and peers are in a good position to identify individuals on campus who are exhibiting signs of difficulty coping with these stressors.
As such, the Threat Education Assessment Management Team (T.E.A.M.) was developed to offer assistance to distressed individuals, connecting them to appropriate campus resources, and reporting concerning behavior to professionals on campus. This can be a critical first step in helping the individual(s) improve and ensuring a safer campus for everyone.
Students, Faculty, Parents, and others are strongly encouraged to report behaviors that they feel are concerning or worrisome (no matter how small or insignificant they may seem). Monarchs, lend a "paw" to show you care!
Report A Concern
T.E.A.M. Members & Mission
Pathway to Violence
Police Department
Why Report a Concern
Early Intervention
A quick response means rapid solutions for the distressed individual, ensuring they remain successful academically or at work. With timely resources, they can avoid the negative consequences of late intervention, such as dropped or failed classes.
Connecting the Dots
We receive reports from all over campus. Our ability to connect your concerns with the concerns of others means we are able to provide a greater level of support to all involved. When piecing together a puzzle, every bit of information matters!
Monarchs Care
Reporting your concern shows that you care enough to get the person the help they need. It means you are not prepared to let someone fall through the cracks, and that ODU is a family that takes care of its members.
It May Be Required
Under certain circumstances, faculty, staff, and students are obligated to report acts of violence and other threatening behaviors. Review ODU Policies & Procedures for details.
Behaviors that cause concern:
- Communications (explicit or veiled) of intent to harm someone or self
- Possession of a weapon
- Angry and verbally abusive behavior that suggests violent intentions
- Threats can be expressed as follows:
- Through any media (cell phones, radio, Internet)
- Through drawings or other visual representations
- Behaviorally, such as through gestures
What should you do?
Here are several suggested courses of action you could take to help you decide how best to handle your concern:
- In imminent emergencies, dial 9-1-1 or contact the ODU Police Department at 757-683-4000
- Submit the Report a Concern form
- Discuss your concerns with any member of TEAM
- Call one of the offices listed in TEAM Resources
- When in doubt, report the concern